We are Michigan parents, and we're

fighting to keep all of our students safe

Formed in August 2021, MiPASS is a grassroots organization with a mission to protect and advocate for the education and well-being of all of Michigan’s students. We believe that every child deserves access to a high-quality, safe education and the opportunity to reach their full potential. We are dedicated to advocating for policies that promote equity, excellence, and success for all of Michigan’s students. We work together to advocate for meaningful changes to the state’s education system, engaging with policymakers and educators to bring about change at the local and state levels.

Demand Changes to Reduce Gun Violence in Schools.

As parents, we are deeply concerned about the safety of our children at school. We refuse to accept the current gun laws that prioritize profits over the well-being of our kids. To reduce gun violence and ensure our schools are safe and secure environments where kids can learn, we are demanding lawmakers to take immediate action and pass common-sense measures.

We urge you to make your voice heard by contacting your elected leaders in Lansing and demanding they take action to reduce gun violence. You can use our custom template or personalize a message to show your support for safe schools. We cannot settle for empty promises when it comes to the safety of our children. It’s time for change, and it’s time for action.


Tell State Legislators to Pass Common-sense Gun Safety Bills NOW!


Contact us at contact@mipass.org